Pursuing A God-Centered Marriage, What We’ve Learned

marriage, Godly marriage, Valentine's Day
2 years down, a lifetime to go…

I can’t believe it’s Valentine’s Day already! It’s such a fun day to celebrate love and for us, marriage. Man oh, man. Marriage is a lot of things. It’s love, of course, it’s a lot of patience, and it’s definitely a lot of working together and some compromise. It’s learning the other person, it’s forgiveness, it’s new beginnings, and it’s fulfilling.

The other day my husband and I were discussing our wedding day. It seems crazy that it was over 2 years ago now. It was a fond memory and we’ve been blessed in so many ways.

A God-centered marriage. I got this topic when I asked about things y’all would like to see me write more of. And to be honest, I was somewhat caught off guard.

My husband and I are Christians and we’ve been married for 2+ years. But honestly, I’d still call us “newer weds” lol. We’re still young and figuring it out. But, I can share some encouragement as well as lessons we learned along the way. about Christ in our marriage. I asked my husband what his thoughts were too and these are things that have strengthened our marriage and a few things we found really help but we need to improve on.

Put GOD first in your marriage.

I know it sounds cliche, but above all, this is the best stronghold of your marriage. It makes life so much easier when God is right in the forefront of you 2!

Take time for each other.

Before our surprise baby Hudson, we were able to spend more time together and it was quite a bit easier, of course. Since our sweet boy’s arrival we’ve slacked on taking dates, and just time for each other. It’s something this year we definitely want to work on more. But we find that it’s all the more important now with a child to touch base and at best have a moment to ourselves.

Be active in the church

This one is so important to a Christian lifestyle. Serving together in the church is something Nathan and I have done since a young age. We both started in our families but once married have made it a priority to continue serving where we can. With kids sometimes it’s more difficult to find areas but there’s always some little place to serve. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be something together. However, having those things keep our walk with Christ relevant in our everyday lives and at church.

Make fellowship important.

This was something my husband from the moment we started dating impressed upon me was important to him. Having people over in your home or going to do things with fellow Christians is a great way to see other godly marriages in action. It’s also a great way to stay encouraged in your marriage. Going on a double date is fun too!

Having biblical discussions in your home.

I love this one. Having Christ in the middle of your marriage means having a spiritual focus at the forefront of your mind. Whether it’s discussing the sermon from Sunday, a struggle one of us is battling, something God has been showing us, or encouragement from a brother or sister in Christ. Having those talks are vital to keeping Christ in our home and marriage. 

Laugh about your mistakes.

Saving the funniest for last. This one we’re great at! Lol. I can’t even begin to count how many things we’ve cried, laughing over something we’ve done. It makes the harder days lighter and the good days even better. So make sure to find joy and laughter in the little things!

I hope these are even just a little helpful to you in your marriage as they have been to us. Granted we have SO SO much to learn as we are still young. But whether new or old I think any Christian married couple will tell you, having God at the forefront of your marriage is hands down the best thing you can do for it to last a lifetime!

Xoxo, Shantel

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