Thursday Thoughts, Sing a Hymn to Little Children

This thought has come to me many times and I wanted to just share it. Simple tho it may be, I think God often has put Hudson in my life to think of these little things to help me remember that verse in Matthew 18:3. “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children have a way of opening our minds and hearts to purest innocent thoughts. So here was a late at night one…

Sleeping children, baby boy, hymns, moms love
December 2020

I love the times when I’m putting Hudson down for his naps or bedtime, I usually sing a few hymns to him as I help soothe him to slumber. Many late nights as I sing, the thought comes to me “ I wonder if anyone else is singing this same song right now. If so what does it sound like to God”? I picture voices from all over the globe, rising to meet Him in heaven. So many ordinary things we do, but do we ever in solitary voices sing a song of praise unaware of someone else singing it in the world to Jesus too?

This thought not only brings sense of unity, but also a sense of belonging. Knowing that Jesus is listening to our words of praise as we lift up his name in the ears of our little ones. It’s a wonderful and beautiful thought.

Xoxo, Shantel

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